Posts in school dj

 Homecoming at Lincoln was in the middle of the quad. They had an old school van as a photoboth and food trucks. They shared with me a diverse playlist. I started the night to work on the older tracks first. I have to be aware of not using all the good danceable songs so quickly. 

Students at Lincoln were ready to dance. They were really into Spanish music. It was nice to see everyone get into the Spanish music. 

The Songs that stuck out for Lincoln:

It seems like 2010 music is getting a jolt of life such as songs like Disturbia by Rihanna, Party Rock Anthem by LMFAO, Feel So Close by Calvin Harris, Give me Tonight by Pitbull and Ne-yo. But the staple of high school music is classic hip hop from the past 7 years. Students were loving Sage the Gemini with Gas Pedal and Red Nose. Saweetie was a hit with MY Type. Travis Scott has a few hits and brought folks to the dance floor with Bring it Back and Ayy Ladies. But one of the songs of the night had to be Crank Thank by Soulja Boy. Some newer hip hop songs that students really liked were Magnolia and Shoota by Playboi Carti. Also a few artists seem to do well with high school. Taylor Swift, Justin Beiber, and Miley Cyrus got some oohh and aahhs. 


Overall it was a good energy dance. My favorite sighting was students were really loving the Spanish music and no one came storming to the dj booth asking to change the song but made the most of it by dancing.