The Black and White Affair Dj Journey ( The dj for bay area events ( San Jose, Gilroy, Morgan Hill, Milpitas, Sunnyvale, Saratoga, Los Gatos)

Once the first steps are done then the fun begins. A lot of folks do not know the names of songs but only have a few must haves. At BWADJ we send out playlists that are popular and it makes the song selection easier. Client can also include songs that are not on the list. I like having the list a week in advance so I can secure the music especially if its not on my list.  If it’s a wedding then BWADJ send a wedding coordination sheet with song suggestions and helps organize the events if no wedding planner is involved. A wedding is a custom event so there is no set way to do a wedding. Its based on what the bride and groom wants. If it’s a birthday party and the client wants party music the whole time then we do party music the whole time. Who needs to sit to eat dinner! Most of the time they do eat dinner sitting but it can always be an option! 


We keep in contact with the client to see how their list is going and to see if anything has changed. Then before the event we finally touch base to go over the game plan. 


We show up 1 to 2 hours before the event depending on how many set ups are needed. To set up one simple set up it takes 30 minutes. 

Then we have a fun event with dancing and memories being made.