Top Wedding Regrets: The Guest List 

Top Wedding Regrets: The Guest List


Weddings can be small and intimate and then some can be grand big events. One side of the bride of groom guests may be larger than the other side. The question is whom do you invite to share your precious day with you and your new spouse?


 First and foremost the immediate family and the closest friends can be invited. People who you probably never see again can be left off the list. People who you have known your whole life and that you have not spoken to in 10 years should be left off the list. It becomes difficult since at times parents help with wedding costs and they have their own list of folks that they want to invite. Some people on the list maybe people you have never met before.  A wedding is expensive as is already and the list should be made by the couple and not by guests suggesting that the couple should invite.


Everybody wants to bring his or her kids.  Bride and groom can opt to have an adult only wedding. Having little kids run the dance floor while you are doing the first dance would not look too good on video.  I do not remember any weddings I went as a kid but I did go to a few.


Small weddings are more intimate and the guests are selectively picked to enrich the wedding experience. During the wedding it is great to talk to all the guests and thank them for going. If the party is full of folks you barely know it makes it awkward when you are doing small talk.  

All and all people maybe upset that they were not invited. But a wedding is for the bride and groom and they can invite folks that mean something to them.
