First Proposal Mistakes

Proposals can be fancy. People try to out due other proposals. It has spread to proms. Youngsters are trying to do something special. It is a growing trend. 


A common mistake is when the man proposes without a ring. A ring is a symbolic of the love the couple shares. It shows that the man (woman) prepared and thought about his proposal before it happened. Plus, with the ring, its proof that the engagement happened. It was not a figment of the imagination. Sometimes the couple will pick out the ring beforehand so it makes it a less of a surprise. If the man (woman) is not totally sure what kind of ring to get then they can get another ring then later exchange it for one that the couple likes and fits.


Sometimes in movies you see someone proposing to someone at a baseball field and they are surrounded by thousands of strangers who will forget about the moment the next inning. A proposal is monumental for the couple. Make it special for the both of you. 


Also, technology can be a positive thing. It can get you to your destination and you can find out the latest news. Before the proposal, the one who will propose might let something slip on social media so it ends up on everyone’s feed. Next thing you know then the future spouse knows about it and it is no longer a surprise.


Sometimes couples are old fashioned and the future spouse wants the proposal on one knee. The other partner (the proposer) might not want to do it but it would mean a lot to the future spouse. Just get it done. It is a story they would want to share with their family and friends. 

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