Single Operation vs. Multi Operation DJ Companies: What's the Difference? (Socal Dj serving Burbank, Los Angeles, Glendale and San Diego) (Bay Area Dj Serving San Jose, Morgan Hill and  Gilroy)

If you're in the market for a DJ service, you may be wondering whether to choose a single operation DJ company or a multi operation one. While both types of companies provide DJs, there are some major differences that can impact your event. Let’s break down the pros and cons of each type of business so that you can make an informed decision about your next entertainment hire.


Single Operations

Single operations are typically run by one person or a small team. This type of business is generally more affordable than multi-operations but also has some drawbacks. For example, if something goes wrong with the equipment during your event, there may not be anyone available to fix it quickly since all the technicians are employed by one person or team. Single operations often have less experience than multi-operation businesses, which could affect the quality of your event.


Multi operations typically have larger teams and more resources available, making them more expensive than single operations. However, they also tend to have more experienced DJs and technicians on staff which could mean better performances and higher quality music at your event. Additionally, if something goes wrong with the equipment during your event, someone will likely be available to fix it right away since multiple technicians are employed by this type of business. 


When choosing between a single operation DJ company and a multi operation one for your next event, it’s important to consider both the pros and cons of each type of business before making a decision. Single operations tend to be less expensive but may lack experience while multi-operations usually offer more experienced DJs at higher costs. Ultimately, it’s up to you decide what kind of DJ service fits within your budget and meets your needs best! Good luck!