Wedding Trends: The All White DJ Set Up

Everyone seems to have the same set up in my area. They have a 6-foot table with a linen and on top of that they have a controller with two speakers on tripods. I looked at other dj set ups across the nation and started noticing the all-white dj set ups. The speakers are white, the lights are white, and the poles the lights are on are white. I do have to admit it is very pleasing to the eye. Often they would include some uplighting to add some flare to the set up.

 I went and asked other djs the importance of having an all-white set up. Some folks said people specially asked for their set up. Some planners were impressed and wanted to make sure their bride and groom had that set up. Some djs would talk about using it as an upgrade in their packages.  Many said as along as their set up looks clean that it does not need to be white. Of course, you do not want to have cables exposed. Other djs said it does not matter what color your set up is as long as you can rock the party. I also heard if one gets a steak at a steakhouse and they don’t ask what kind of grill did they use to cook the steak. The only folks who care about the equipment are other djs. After all my findings, my quest for the all-white set up was concluded. As in my prior belief, my mission is to give the best experience with the music.

White dj set up in the Bay Area.jpg